In our society, adults are increasingly caught between taking care of their childen and granchildren – and their parents. In fact, 53 million Americans – 20% of adults – operate as family caregivers. Although caring for a loved one can be very fulfilling, it can also be very challenging. With so much time and energy required to care for an aging loved one, there may come a time when an assisted senior living community makes the most sense.

In an assisted living residence, your family member will have access to the care, supervision and engagement that they need. But how does a family determine that it is the right time to broach the conversation?

Assisted senior Living

8 Ways to Know When Assisted Senior Living is Appropriate

Every family is different, but the following questions can help you to make the right decision for your senior loved one.

  1. There Are Chronic Health Problems
    If your loved one’s health or immune system is compromised, moving to an assisted living facility may significantly improve their quality of life. The professionals at an assisted living community can assist with medication management, transportation to doctor’s appointments, and be onsite 24 by 7 to help with any emergencies.
  2. There Are Mobility Challenges
    Mobility issues are common when someone grows older. Aging impacts muscle mass, strength, and bone density, causing seniors to have trouble walking or climbing stairs, usually due to stiff joints and a loss of flexibility. However, assisted living residences are built with the needs of elderly adults in mind. Wide doorways and hallways allow for easy passage of wheelchairs and walkers, while grab bars and non-skid flooring may prevent falling.
  3. They Need Help with ADLs
    ADLs (activities of daily living) represent basic daily tasks – such as dressing, and preparing meals. Assisted living staff can help your loved one with walking and transfers, selecting and putting on clothing and caring for personal hygiene.
  4. They Are Depressed or Lonely
    Many senior adults suffer with feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can lead to clinical depression and physical health risks. In an assisted living residence, seniors have the chance to make friends and engage in social activities. In addition to dining halls, residents may enjoy movie nights, gardening classes, arts and crafts, game nights, book clubs, excursions to local attractions or onsite concerts.
  5. They Are Missing Meals
    One of the primary indications that assisted living may be necessary is when the parent does not eat regularly or properly. Assisted living communiies provide nutritious, dietitian-approved meals daily, and they can accommodate those with diabetes, high cholestero and other health issues.
  6. They Are Neglecting Housework
    We all have a different way to keep our homes and properties neat and clean, but if your loved one’s standards have slipped, it may be time to move into a senior residence. They won’t have to worry about doing laundry, making the bed or cleaning the bathroom, and outdoor tasks such as mowing the lawn and cleaning the yard are no longer necessary.
  7. Accidents Have Taken Place
    3 million senior adults are brought to the emergency room annually due to falls which cause 95% of senior hip fractures. (Source: CDC) ER visits can be traced to a loss of strength and mobility, balance issues, and worsening eyesight. An assisted living facility typically will provide entrance ramps, hallway and bathroom guardrails, non-skid flooring, an an emergency call system.
  8. Their Driving Ability Has Been Compromised
    Driving signifies autonomy and independence, but seniors may experience a decrease in driving competency – visual problems, slower motor reflexes, impaired hearing, and the presence of other health conditions can become problematic for road safety. Assisted living will not only provide the transportation needed, but also offer a wide array of onsite activities that allow for socialization without having to drive.

At My Care Finders, we help families to decide on the most appropriate next step for their loved ones. If you are looking for the best assisted living community in your area, call our professional advisors today.