Only a few decades ago, the concept of an adult living residence conjured up images of crowded nursing homes, with elderly residents sitting in wheelchairs with nothing to do. But times have changed dramatically, and today’s assisted living facilities and memory care centers provide professional care and engaging lifestyles. In fact, the stereotypes of the past are faded away – even though many seniors approaching the decision to move may fear that some of these assisted living misconceptions are still true. This misunderstanding can cause undue angst and make the decision more stressful than it needs to be. 

These misconceptions will dissipate with a simple facility tour, which we urge you to take if you are at that stage. In the meantime, let’s look at some persistent myths surrounding assisted living. 

  • I am afraid I’ll lose my independence. Assisted living communities work closely with their residents to evaluate the required level of support and assistance. Residents are encouraged to live as independently as possible and have the freedom to do so. Professional staff is always there to help if needed, making a resident feel confident in their self-sufficiency. 
  • I’ll miss feeling like I am “home.” Residents are welcome to decorate their personal apartments however they like. While available space may not allow them to bring all of their furniture, belongings, and decor from their family home, they can utilize favorite pieces to create a familiar and welcoming space. Of course, new residents are welcome to display family photos, arrange the furniture as they wish, and integrate personal touches to make the area more unique to their personality. Depending on the residence, seniors can typically decide when to eat, sleep and socialize. 
  • I hate being treated like a child. A professional assisted living facility regards its residents with respect, treating them as the mature adults they are. They recognize their residents have enjoyed a lifetime of accomplishments, successes, and proud moments – and provide the needed assistance without patronizing or hovering.
  • I’m afraid I’ll be bored just sitting around. Moving into an assisted living community doesn’t negate your personality and interests. You can still enjoy the activities and pastimes you always have. While mobility may limit some activities, the assisted living staff will not stop you from learning new things or participating in events and socials. And if your favorite hobby is not offered at the facility, you can always ask if you can start a club of like-minded people – maybe even teach others about your passion!  
  •  I don’t want to feel abandoned or alone! Modern assisted living facilities are welcoming communities full of potential friends. They aren’t dull or lonely environments – far from it. Neighbors live a short walk away, and no one has to avoid social engagements because they can’t drive. Dining rooms, fitness centers, art studios, and movie theaters provide opportunities to meet up with others. No one has to be alone unless they choose to be!
  • The idea of assisted living just seems depressing. While this is a common misconception, these communities are typically the opposite of sad – they are active, engaging, and friendly. It only takes a visit to one or two assisted living facilities to get a feel for the lifestyle and talk to the people who live there to change that perception. Of course, it is up to each individual to make the most of wherever they live. 
  • I don’t want to live out my life feeling trapped. While security is provided for the resident’s protection, no one is a prisoner. Residents can come and go as they wish if they have the physical ability to do so. Assisted living facilities typically plan fun area excursions, provide transportation for shopping, and even make sure residents make it to their doctor’s appointments. If a resident still drives, they are allowed to have their car. Of course, you can walk around landscaped grounds and enjoy time with friends and family, whether at the residence or their homes.

My Care Finders understands that people may harbor some assisted living misconceptions that can cause distress – that’s why we have cultivated expansive knowledge about the area facilities and what they offer. Our FREE service helps families match their preferences and budgets with the best communities, and we advocate on your behalf throughout the process.  

Call today to learn more about how we can help you and your loved ones to navigate this important decision.