Watching a senior family member grow older can be bittersweet. While we love sharing memories and time, we can’t help but notice some mental and physical changes. It is natural to wonder if your loved one is ready to move to a senior living residence – as well as to worry about their reaction or to feel guilty about not caring for them yourself. These are all understandable emotions that need to be addressed.  

 Once you decide that assisted living is the right choice for your family, there are several steps you can take to make the process easier on everyone and provide the peace of mind you need. 

Facilitating a Move to Assisted Living 

Allow Your Loved One to Participate in the Decision: For many seniors, the thought of moving into an assisted living facility can be overwhelming – and the fear of losing their independence may even cause emotional distress. One of the ways to help your loved one to accept the upcoming changes is to involve them in the decision-making process. If you are working with a service that assists in the search process, allow your senior to be in the consultation. When you tour potential assisted living facilities, listen to their feedback, and ask which they like. Consider their preferences in your decision, and assure them that their opinion carries weight. Including them in the process preserves their sense of self-worth and control over their lives. 

Write Out a Plan: The move to an assisted living facility can be made easier for everyone by putting a plan in place. Once the right assisted living facility has been identified, find out as much as possible about the size of the rooms, the services offered, and the day-to-day lifestyle. 

One of the most challenging aspects of moving from a family home to apartment-style living is downsizing a lifetime of familiar and beloved belongings. Taking time to discuss what your loved one can bring and what should be sold or donated can help to alleviate the stress of moving-day decisions. 

Have a Family Meeting: Many seniors are apprehensive that their families will abandon them once they move into assisted living. The fear of being forgotten is real, even if it is unfounded. Moving into assisted living represents a new phase of life and a unique experience, one which requires the family’s support. One of the best ways to ease your loved one’s mind is to gather as much of the family as possible to be there when it is time to move and make it a happy day! If you can have others execute the actual move while you take your loved one out to lunch, even better. When the family is together, create a schedule for visits and calls so that your loved one has a tangible reminder of when to expect a visitor – and to know how much they are loved. It is also essential to continue to bring them to family dinners, celebrations, and events whenever possible.  

Create a Cozy Home Environment: Even though your senior loved one will be moving, you can ensure that their new home feels comfortable and familiar. Bring their favorite throw pillows and artwork, fill the apartment with their favorite plants, and post cherished family photos around the living space. Help them to set up a playlist of their favorite music and provide the snacks they love the most. Even if they are in a new place, these personal touches will bring comfort and help during the transition. 

My Care Finders is dedicated to actively advocating for those exploring local senior living options. Our services are free of charge and provide practical, expert guidance to help determine which local facility is best for you and your family.

Call today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help.