While there is no way to prevent aging, we can proactively work against growing “old” – at least in our way of thinking. As we continue towards the end of 2023, now is an excellent opportunity to discuss ways that senior adults take steps to age gracefully and with optimal health and wellness. At this point in life, it is vital to be aware of one’s physical and emotional wellbeing mental as well as emotional well-being. Here’s how you can age with style, no matter your age:

Develop Healthy Cognitive Habits: Successfully protecting the brain requires a multi-faceted strategy. Your daily diet should eliminate processed foods as much as possible and increase the amount of colorful vegetables and fruits you consume – along with lean proteins. Enjoying a good night’s sleep is vital, as is setting aside time for appropriate levels of fitness and mindfulness activities such as prayer or meditation. Senior adults should also look for new and interesting ways to stimulate their brain function, such as by taking classes, doing puzzles, or learning to play a musical instrument.

Attend to Your Auditory Health: Hearing loss is closely associated with other serious health issues, such as anxiety and dementia. It can also result in the person isolating themselves or developing depression and low self-esteem. For those individuals not yet retired, hearing loss can adversely influence their earning potential. Being able to sufficiently hear conversation is necessary for maintaining a socially vibrant lifestyle, and those who feel ashamed about losing their hearing may retreat into themselves. Seniors should try to avoid loud noises and make sure to schedule routine hearing checkups. If hearing aids are necessary, they may need encouragement to embrace the help they need.

Learn to Love Fitness: Even if flexibility and strength have waned somewhat, exercise is necessary and can be accomplished at any age. Seniors should simply be willing to experiment and seek out the exercises and fitness activities that are safe and appropriate for their current level of health. Senior citizens should consult with their doctor when restarting a fitness routine and evaluate their progress often. Don’t be afraid to try new things – many exercises will promote physical strength and wellness, even for those individuals relegated to wheelchairs. Taking a daily walk can significantly impact a senior’s mindset and overall health for the better.

Stay Cognitively Agile: Mental stimulation is an essential part of being able to age with grace. Senior adults should continue to go after their passions and interests, maintain communication with friends and family, and look for ways to laugh every day. Healthy brain activity safeguards and preserves brain cells and may even encourage the growth of new brain cells at any age. Any activity that requires mental ability and problem-solving can work to keep the brain sharp.

Embrace the Use of Assistive Technologies: Many senior adults hate the idea of wearing hearing aids or relying on a walker because they don’t want to admit they need them – to themselves or to others. But by utilizing these helpful tools and devices, seniors can continue to live life the way they see fit, which is a critical aspect of aging well. Experts recommend that seniors who require hearing aids wear them even when they are alone, as processing auditory input is vital for brain health and keeps the individual actively involved in the environment around them.

You may think the aging process to be uncomfortable or undesirable, but it doesn’t have to be. By taking thoughtful steps and investing in mental, physical, and emotional health, seniors can live happy and active lives for many more years.

My Care Finders is a professional service that matches families with the best assisted living or memory care centers in their area. If you are seeking a new living situation for yourself or a loved one, call us today. We take pride in helping families to make the best choice for their needs.